Books about the middle east
Hi home skilletz!
I have cable TV now so may never read again. How can I turn away from the excellence the boob tube offers (VH1 'top 40 rock girlfriends of all time') -- and the winner is? Pamela Lee, of course!
I am actually still reading The Book Thief. It's a good one and I'll loan this copy out to any and all (it's the librarian's way). It's a book that Gretchen gave me for my birthday.
Since we kind of started all of this on a reading about the middle east theme, I thought I would share this link w/you... a list of recommended books to help us understand (or at least have more information about) things in the middle east. Mickey recommended Joe Sacco's Palestine to me a while back (it's a graphic novel). I do love the idea of reading a graphic novel together. Maybe not this one now, but another at some time....